Pelangi Forum 2024 – an educational forum integrating knowledge and skills in the scientific and the artistic fields – is back for another year. With the objective of promoting capabilities of personnel in the academic area to achieve their future goals, the event is scheduled for 16 November 2024 from 8 am to 4 pm at Town in Town Hotel, Bangkok.
The keynote speakers from various fields will gather to exchange their knowledge and share their experience at the seminar which takes “Thriving Teachers, Empowered Futures” as its topic. The event also embraces the two separate seminars and the practical workshops suitable for students in kindergarten to secondary levels.
No.1 seminar room: The topic of “Enhancing Professionalism”

With the aim of sharing knowledge gained from the seminar to educate students on how to live their lives smartly in the society, to solve problems, to communicate with others effectively and to be adaptable, the seminar focuses on hard skills and soft skills to boost participants’ capabilities in parallel with honing their soft skills in AI literacy, critical thinking and creative problem solving.
No. 2 seminar room: The topic of “Activities to Promote Executive Functions (EFs) for 7Q Excellence”

Building executive function skills in children begins with teachers with executive functions to create safe and secure environment. Equipped with executive functions, teachers can develop the 7Qs based on their attributes, for example being smart, creative, kind, adaptable, etc. Moreover, they can manage appropriate learning experience for children to fully develop their forebrain. This helps them to become excellent and smart.
The event also includes pop-up booths displaying books, products and teaching aids published and produced by Kidbuak and Kid Do Publishing Houses, the affiliates of Pelangi Publishing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Having shown our strong determination to be a part in supporting Thai academic personnel for two decades, Pelangi Publishing (Thailand) Co., Ltd. is delighted to celebrate our 20th anniversary and unwavering to shape the future of education together with Thai academic personnel for many more years to come.